Length: 20.15 Miles
BST Official
BST Connector
BST Proposed
Future Trail Construction
BST Trailhead
Proposed Trailhead
Trail Description
Farmington Canyon Trailhead
(2.5 miles – dirt)
Take the single track that climbs from the Farmington Pond park up to the firebreak road. Caution, this section of the BST is shared by motorized vehicles. Due to the steepness of the terrain, it is unlikely that a separate trail will be built for the BST in this area. Take the firebreak road south above Farmington. The first ravine you pass is Rudd Canyon. You will pass intersections with trails to Flag Rock and Patsy’s Mine before passing Steed Creek and then Davis Creek. Just to the south of Davis Creek the road comes to an end at Little Valley Rd.
Little Valley Rd Trailhead
(3.9 miles – dirt)
Climb Little Valley Rd. for about 100 yards and then drop down to the wide trail above a small gravel pit. The trail heads south on a level. You’ll pass the switchbacks coming up from Freedom Hills Park. The trail goes through a ravine and passes below a buried water tank and a retaining pond. After passing through Ricks Creek in Ford Canyon, the trail crosses the long driveway of a house with a
Parrish Canyon Trailhead
(2.15 miles – dirt)
Take the high trail south to a retention pond at the mouth of Deuel Creek Canyon. Just past the pond the road loses elevation as it winds through the canyon. Leave the road and turn into the canyon onto the single track that climbs as it crosses the canyon among the trees. Cross the road and continue south on the single track. After a few hundred yards the trail climbs to the firebreak road. Climb the
Bountiful “B” Trailhead
(6 miles – paved)
Continue south past the “B” on Eagleridge Dr. and continue south on the dirt road across Ward Canyon until you reach Bountiful Blvd. Bountiful City has not built its section of the BST at this time. In 2009 Bountiful added a trails section to its master plan, however it calls for little more than an inventory of existing paths and the production of a map. Bountiful will need some strong trail advocacy if it is ever to build the BST. The next section of the BST begins in North Salt Lake south of the Eaglewood Golf Course. Continue south on Bountiful Blvd. for six miles to the southern end of the Eaglewood golf course. Follow Eagleridge D.r to its southern terminus. Then turn onto Eaglepointe Dr.
Trailhead Park Trailhead
(5.6 miles – dirt)
At the end of the pavement on Eaglepointe Dr. take the dirt road south on a flat bench above the gravel pits. Continue south past the North Salt Lake well pond and climb up to the radio towers on the peak. Go past the towers on the gravel road and turn left onto single track that contours through the ravines to the ridge above a gated community. Descend the trail skirting to the east of the large home and drop down steep switchbacks into City Creek Canyon. The trail turns west and rolls down the canyon to Bonneville Blvd.
City Creek Trailhead
(1.6 miles – dirt)
The BST crosses City Creek Canyon Road at its intersection with Bonneville Drive. The trail heads out of the canyon on the south side of the pond, where there are a few parking spaces. Follow the trail up canyon and then as it quickly begins to climb. The trail climbs over 1250 feet out of the canyon within the first three miles. The trail crosses a flat bench after the first set of switchbacks and crosses a wide trail. Continue straight and keep climbing. Finally the trail flattens for a while and rounds a hill to a water tank above the Terrace Hills Trailhead.
Farmington Canyon Trailhead
From I-15 take the Lagoon exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106), take a right onto Main St., and then bend east onto 600 N. When Highway 106 turns back south, take a left onto 600 N. Turn left onto 100 E. Go north on 100 E to the Farmington Pond Park.
100 North Trailhead
From I-15 take the Lagoon exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106), turn right and take the highway to 100 N. Turn left and follow 100 N to the end of the street. An access trail climbs north and east up the hill.
Steed Creek Trailhead
From I-15 take the Lagoon exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106), turn right and take the highway to 200 S in Farmington. Turn left and follow 200 S to the end of the street.
Little Valley Road Trailhead
From I-15 take the Lagoon exit and turn south on Lagoon Dr. Turn left on Clark Ln. and then left onto State St. Follow State St. through town and as it bends onto 200 E. From 200 E turn left onto 500 S. Follow this street east and then south until you reach a parking area on the east side of a small reservoir.
Freedom Hills Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106). Turn left and go north to 2150 N. Turn right on 2150 N then left on Park Hills Dr. You will see the park in on the right, with obvious switchbacks climbing to the BST.
Rolling Hills Dr Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106). Turn left and go north to 1825 N. Turn right onto 1825 N and follow it to the top of the hill.
Ford Canyon Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106). Turn left and go north to Carrington Ln. Turn right onto Carrington Ln. then take the second left at 75 E. Follow this street to the top of the hill at park where the road bends to the south.
Rockwood Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106). Turn left and go north to Chase Ln. (1000 N). Turn right onto Chase Ln. and follow it to Oakridge Dr. There is a small trailhead park at this intersection.
Parrish Sunset Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit and go east to Main St. (Highway 106). Turn left and go north to Chase Ln. (1000 N). Turn right onto Chase Ln. and follow it as it bends to the south onto 700 E. Turn left onto a dirt road at 800 N and park in the gravel lot.
Parrish Canyon Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit in Centerville and follow the street east until it ends. Take a narrow paved lane to the left up the hill to a small parking lot.
Deuel Creek North Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit in Centerville and go east to Main St. Turn right to 100 S, then left on 100 S to the top of the hill. Park along the firebreak road near the reservoir.
Deuel Creek South Trailhead
From I-15 take the Parrish Ln. exit in Centerville and go east to Main St. Turn right to 100 S, then left on 100 S to the top of the hill. Turn right at the firebreak road. Stay left when the road splits and climb through the switchback to park at the obvious OHV area.
Twin Hollow Park Trailhead
From I-15 take the 400 N exit in Bountiful. Go east on 400 N to 900 E. Turn left on 900 E and proceed to approx. 1400 N. The park will be on your right.
Bountiful “B” Trailhead
From I-15 take the 400 N exit and follow the street east. When the road bends north, continue east on 400 N until it ends at Skyline Dr. Turn left and follow Skyline Dr. to the parking area below the “B”.
Holbrook Canyon Trailhead
From I-15 take the 400 N exit and follow the street east to the top of the hill. 400 N turns south and becomes Bountiful Blvd. Pass the LDS Temple and then look for the trailhead on your left at about 800 S.
Mueller Park Trailhead
From I-15 take the 2600 S exit in Bountiful, go east on 2600 S, and follow it as it bends north and becomes Orchard Ln. Turn right on 1800 S and proceed east to where the street ends at the Mueller Park picnic area.
North Canyon Trailhead
From I-15 take the 2600 S exit in Bountiful. Go east on 2600 S to 500 W. Turn right on 500 W then right onto Orchard Ln. Then take an immediate left onto Val Verda Rd. (3100 S). Follow Val Verda Rd. to Bountiful Blvd. Take a left onto Bountiful Blvd. then take the first right on Canyon Creek Rd. Follow this street to its end.
Wild Rose Trailhead Park
From Salt Lake go north on Beck St. to Highway 89. From the north, take the 2600 S exit in Bountiful and turn south on Main St. About 1/3 mile south of Center St. in North Salt Lake City, take Eagle Ridge Dr. east up the hill, follow it to the south end of Eaglewood Golf Course, and turn right onto Eaglepointe Dr. Take the fourth left onto Sky Crest Ln. and park at the end of the road.
City Creek Trailhead
From South Temple St., take B St. north up the hill. At the intersection of B St. and 11th Ave., Bonneville Blvd. descends into City Creek Canyon. Stay to the right of the
Intersecting Trails
Farmington Creek East
Starting at the Farmington Canyon Trailhead, the trail starts about a half mile up the canyon at the hairpin turn where the pavement ends. The trail goes up about two miles of climbing single track. A few sections are very steep. The trail goes along the hillside above the creek. There are several stream crossings and a great waterfall. The trail ends at the Sunset Campground. The trail is mostly used for hiking, but cycling is allowed. The other option is to follow the Farmington Canyon road 14 miles to the top of Francis Peak.
Farmington Creek West
This is the most popular trail in Farmington. The trail parallels Farmington Creek along a
Steed Creek
Steed Canyon is east of about 400 S and has the large cliffs to the north of it. The trail is in good shape yet becomes fairly steep. Hornet Creek Trail branches off to the left shortly before crossing Hornet Creek. The Steed Creek Trail parallels Steed Creek then climbs steeply past large white rocks between Hornet Canyon and Steed Canyon. There is a natural depression on the ridge south of Hornet Creek. This depression is called a “subway”. The subway will take you up the mountain to a forest in front of the picturesque cliffs. You will find several pleasant spots in this forest to rest. A future trail is intended to ascend the mountain all the way to Skyline Dr. on top.
Davis Creek
Davis Canyon is east of about 900 S. The trail starts as a wooded path that then traverses the mountainside and heads over the mountain to a beautiful alpine forest with waterfalls, wild raspberries, and a soft walk through heavy pine needles. Several camping spots are located along the way. The trail goes to the top of the mountain where Skyline Dr. can be found, however this part of the trail needs improvement before a person not having hiked the trail before will be able to find the way.
Freedom Hills Trail
Freedom Hills Park is circled by two paved walking path loops of 0.4 mile each that interconnect in various places. The switchback trail climbs the face of the mountain for half a mile before linking with the firebreak road. The northeast side of the park provides access to an equestrian trail that travels up the Farmington hillside. A staging area and horse trailer parking are available. This is an excellent connection to the Bonneville Shoreline Trail going due east up 17 gently sloped switchbacks from Freedom Hills Park at the south end of Farmington. This trail can be one leg of a loop hike up and back from Freedom Hills Park in about an hour. Your will have a great view of the lake.
Ford Canyon Trail
This trail is a
Rockwood Trail
This trail is 0.2 mile of relatively steep terrain. It connects to the firebreak road.
Parrish Sunset Trail
This trailhead is just off the firebreak road about 300 yards north of the Parrish Canyon Trail parking area. The trail is approximately 0.75 mile long and fairly steep. The trail is exposed to direct sun until the very end, thus providing incredible views of the Great Salt Lake, Antelope Island, and gorgeous sunsets.
Parrish Creek Trail
This trail climbs to Bountiful Peak. The trail is steep at the beginning as it switchbacks up a hillside not far from the prominent “V” on the mountain. After
Deuel Creek North Trail
A kiosk marks the start of this trail, just off the firebreak road. It begins with a fairly steep climb. The trail levels and passes a campsite, then descends to the creek side and continues up the canyon where it merges with the Deuel Creek South Trail.
Deuel Creek South Trail
This trail begins at the north end of the bowl area. It is marked by a kiosk at the trailhead. This trail follows Deuel Creek, crossing several small, rustic log bridges. The trail traverses rocky terrain and passes an unusual waterfall. This trail connects with the Deuel Creek North Trail.
Bowl Area Trails
This is an open space area of dirt and rock used by ATVs and hikers, approximately 0.2 mile long, with rolling hills around its perimeter.
Holbrook Canyon
This hiking trail is of moderate difficulty, hard to follow in some places, and crosses the creek several times. Restrooms are located at the trailhead.
Mueller Park Trail
There are two trails which begin at the trailhead. The Kenney Creek Trail can be used to access the Great Western Trail. The Mill Creek Loop Trail is an alternative to the North Canyon Trail and leads to Rudy’s Flat. Parking is limited at the trailhead. Restrooms and picnic facilities are available. In the summer there is a $5 entrance fee.
North Canyon
At Canyon Creek Rd. go uphill 0.7 miles to the end of the pavement. Head east (uphill) on the dirt road. This trail climbs 1800 vertical feet to Rudy’s Flat in exactly 4 miles. Some riders do this trail as an
Wild Rose Trail
The Wild Rose Trail climbs the canyon to the pipeline. Going west, the trail descends to the tennis center.
City Creek Canyon
Starting at the City Creek Trailhead, City Creek Canyon is an easier “road” ride. It is a beautiful canyon hidden just minutes from downtown Salt Lake. Since it is so close to the city, it receives a lot of hikers, joggers, and cyclists (both road and mountain bike). It is closed to bikes on