Length: 23 Miles
BST Official
BST Connector
BST Proposed
Future Trail Construction
BST Trailhead
Proposed Trailhead
Cottonwood Heights Trail Map •
Draper City Trail Map
Trail Description
Parley’s Canyon Trailhead
(future construction)
The extraordinary Bonneville Shoreline Trail crossing of Interstate 80 at the mouth of Parley’s Canyon marks the end of a defined trail to the south until it picks up again in Sandy at the Hidden Valley Park Trailhead. Someday a trail will be built through this section. To reach this trailhead, go south on Wasatch Blvd. to Sandy. At the northeast corner of the trailhead parking lot an existing dirt road accesses the power line corridor. The trail will follow this road until the road bends northeast to a utility building. The trail will proceed south and east to reach an exiting dirt road and follow it to reach an area of abandoned quarries. A ramp curves up from the road to a higher quarry. The trail will begin to climb at this point in order to begin a lengthy ascent to higher elevations at the mouth of Mill Creek Canyon. There is a deep, unnamed canyon south of the quarries. The trail must climb to the ridgeline above the quarries in order to eventually find a crossing of this canyon and a reasonable ascent onto “Mexican Ridge” south of the canyon. From the upper quarry, an old road begins to descend southward. The trail will climb from this point and ascend though two or four
Rattlesnake Gulch Trailhead
(future construction)
At the northwest corner of the parking lot, a power line intersects the trail. Following the power line westward, the trail route reaches a road bridge crossing of Mill Creek. The trail will cross the road and use the wide shoulder on the south side to reach the southeast corner of the bridge. The trail turns directly south from the bridge into the woods and continues south before bending eastward at the toe of steep slopes. Every effort will be made to cross the riparian zone of Mill Creek in as direct a route as possible. The trail climbs in a southeasterly directio. At about 5287 feet of elevation, the trail will make a broad climbing turn back to a westerly direction and climb through talus and oak brush to the first major landmark on the route, a large, triangular rock outcropping. The trail uses this ridge to climb a short distance southward before turning west across a wide slope. Before reaching the next major rock outcropping, the route will climb up and through a rock cleft to cross a rock fin. The trail route continues in this manner, talus and brushy side slope crossings between rock outcrop landing ridges. The next rock outcropping is has a small window arch. After the arch, the route crosses one more rock fin. Beyond this point, the character of the trail changes slightly. Brush and low trees become thicker and the steep side slopes become more stable. The route emerges from a
Neff’s Canyon Trailhead
(future construction)
From the Neff’s Canyon Trailhead the route will connect to the water tank road using an existing USFS trail. The route will follow the water tank road east for about one half mile to a point where it forks. The right fork fords the creek and enters the woods on the south side of the road. The path leads downstream. At about elevation 5907 feet, the route turns south and climbs the south slope, reaching an abandoned mine shaft. The proposed route enters designated wilderness in the vicinity of the mine shaft. The route goes west from the mine across a steep side slope and crosses a series of three rock fins running down the slope. Continuing west, the route passes through a grove of conifers and more brush to reach the point of the south ridge of Neff’s Canyon. The route begins a long southward traverse across the
Thousand Oaks Trailhead
The route will descend on the “Z” trail to elevation 5620 and turn south along a steep side slope. The route crosses a small drainage and climbs slightly on the south side. Continuing south across a steep side slope the trail reaches a broad steep slope above Mile High Drive. The route from the “Z”. The route continues south though a broad drainage then climbs to a saddle on a ridge above an abandoned mine. The trail descends into another drainage and forks, both forks connect to the Mount Olympus trail, the uphill fork connects to the Mount Olympus trail about 1/2 mile above the point that the downhill fork connects. The downhill fork descends to the bottom of a small canyon then the trail turns south and ties into the existing
Mount Olympus Trailhead
(future construction)
Descending westward on the Mount Olympus Trail to elevation 5154 feet, the route turns south on the level bench again to the mouth of Tolcats Canyon, where it turns eastward, still on the level bench, to find a crossing of the canyon. The route then turns westward along a steep rock slope to cross a cleft in the rock band at the canyon mouth. After passing through the cleft, the route descends to the Bonneville Bench again and turns south. Two deep gullies are crossed before the bench disappears at the north ridge slope of Heughs Canyon. The route reaches a rock outcropping on the
Heughs Canyon Trailhead
(future construction)
The crossing of Heughs Canyon Creek is in a very narrow part of the canyon. The route travels along the side of the south canyon slope westward, climbing past old quarry holes to reach an open grassy ridge. At this point, the trail will be on rolling bench above development and climbs to pass through a draw above a water tank. Continuing on open grassy slopes, the trail crosses a wide bowl reaching an old quarry road. A
Oak Ridge Picnic Area Trailhead
(future construction)
Beginning at the gated bridge connecting Big Cottonwood Canyon Road with Oak Ridge Picnic Area, the route follows the old picnic area roadbed downstream to its terminus. The trail will climb the south slope of Big Cottonwood Canyon from this point, rising first to an old aqueduct and following it to an open slope, where the trail can climb again to a power line. At this point the route is on a narrow bench on the canyon wall. Following the bench a short distance, the trail must climb again through heavy woods and crossing talus slopes, eventually reaching a game trail. This trail leads out of the brush onto a steep
Timberline Trailhead
(future construction)
The route crosses three narrow draws and climbs a steep
Golden Oaks Dr. Trailhead
(future construction)
Continuing into Deaf Smith Canyon the route travels on a high bench above development. The route begins to descend through thick oak brush, alternating with unstable gravelly slopes, to reach the stream. The trail will cross near an old concrete weir at the forks of Deaf Smith Creek then the route climbs to follow contours across
Aqueduct Trailhead
(future construction)
The route follows this aqueduct eastward into Little Cottonwood Canyon. The aqueduct road bends south to intersect at a gate on Highway 210. The trail route will continue along the buried aqueduct. At this point the route will depart from the aqueduct to go north around private property. The route will rejoin the buried aqueduct and continue east to the Little Cottonwood Canyon park and ride lot.
Temple Quarry Trailhead
(future construction)
The route will cross the highway to the Temple Quarry Trailhead. Crossing the trailhead access road, the route will need to bridge Little Cottonwood Creek. From the south bank of Little Cottonwood Creek, the trail begins a long, gradual climb westward across steep side slopes to the ridge between Little Cottonwood Canyon and Bells Canyon. From this point the route could follow the ridgeline nearly due west to intersect with the established trail that connects the Granite Springs Trailhead to Bell Canyon Reservoir. To continue a southward direction, the trail could drop southwest from the ridge, crossing a wide, brushy bowl to intersect the Bell Canyon Trail closer to Bell Canyon Reservoir. The trail will follow the Bell Canyon Trail from the moraine ridge to Bell Canyon Reservoir, and pass the reservoir on newly constructed trail east of the lake.
Boulders Trailhead
(future construction)
Leaving the loop trail around Bell Canyon Reservoir at its southernmost point, the route will go through a rock cut to the old pump house pad south of the reservoir. Turning east from this point, the trail will cross
Pepperwood Hills Trailhead
(future construction)
A gated, paved access road climbs over 300 vertical feet up South Fork Dry Creek Canyon from the development on the Bonneville Bench to a water tank. A local trail continues from the water tank eastward into the canyon up a broad, gently sloping alluvial fan that is covered in oak/maple forest. The BST route, coming from the north, intersects this trail at elevation 5648 feet. The route will climb eastward, using the existing path and depart southward toward the south wall of the canyon. A long side hill climb is required to find a rolling bench at the south canyon ridgeline. The route will follow this bench, passing a draw and a ridge before descending into Dry Gulch. Climbing out of Dry gulch on steep side slopes, the route reaches a ridge and begins a long descent crossing a
Rocky Mouth Trailhead
(future construction)
Descending to the brink of Rocky Mouth Canyon at a potential overlook at elevation about 5400 feet, the trail must descend in a couple of switchbacks to the trail at the mouth of the canyon. The established Rocky Mouth Canyon Trail begins in the neighborhood below. The BST route will cross the trail before it enters the Rocky Mouth waterfall gorge, and descend to cross Rocky Mouth Creek. A series of switchbacks will be required for the route to climb out of the creek to the south ridge of Rocky Mouth Canyon. The route continues south on a rolling bench to reach the north ridgeline of Big Willow Canyon. Turning east into the canyon, the route passes through a rocky outcrop at elevation and descends to intersect with the water company dirt road in Big Willow Canyon. The route follows the water company road southwest down the canyon to gate on the road.
Hidden Valley Park Trailhead
(1.75 miles – dirt)
From the parking area, take the paved path which takes you toward the mountain to where the BST dirt path starts. There is a trail sign near a bench that points northeast up the hill. Go about 0.2 miles until you get to the irrigation company gate, then take a hard right and head south toward Little Willow Canyon. At Little Willow Canyon veer right at the fork in the trail to go down hill to access the creek. In November 2008 a bridge was constructed to cross the creek. There is usually at least a trickle of water in the creek all year long. Continue south as the trail winds through a few ravines and progresses on a level a few hundred feet above the homes. At Bear Canyon the trail climbs into the canyon before continuing south. Descending here takes you to the Orson Smith Trailhead. Please be aware that because the trail goes through several parcels of land owned by water companies, dogs are not allowed on the BST in Sandy or Draper between Hidden Valley Park and the Orson Smith Trailhead.
Orson Smith Trailhead
(3.65 miles – dirt)
Continue through Bear Canyon south to Corner Canyon Rd. Cross the road and descend to a double track that climbs the canyon about halfway between Corner Canyon Rd. and the trail in the bottom of the canyon. The trail meets the trail coming up the bottom of the canyon near a subdivision. At this point you have a few options. Descend the trail to reach the Equestrian Center trailhead. Head west and enter the subdivision to take the BST to the Point of the Mountain flight park. Turn left and continue climbing the canyon to connect with the BST in Utah County. The trail turns to the west and passes Coyote Hollow Ct. Climb the hill south east of the LDS temple and continue on the trail as it parallels Mike Weir Dr. Continue south and then west on the trail passing above the golf course.
Red Rock Trailhead
(2.5 miles – dirt)
Continuing southwest, the trail contours above Mike Weir Dr. and then descends and crosses the street just before its intersection with Traverse Ridge Rd. Follow the trail around the townhouses and into Oak Hollow. Cross under Traverse Ridge Rd. in the culvert and continue climbing to the water tank. Climb the water tank road for 300 feet and take the trail on the right to the ridge. A new trail is being built up this hollow. The BST goes around the ridge and descends to just above the homes. It continues above the homes until they end at the flight park.
Flight Park Trailhead
You can continue to the end of the mountain where a fence marks the beginning of the gravel pit. Otherwise the trail ends here. Go back and climb Corner Canyon to connect to Utah County. When extraction of gravel is complete at this site, Draper and Lehi Cities intend to build trail around the point.
Parley’s Canyon Trailhead
Take I-80 east and then south onto I-215. Take the first exit at 3300 S. Turn left onto 3300 S and then left onto Wasatch Blvd. Park in the small lot at the end of the street.
Rattlesnake Gulch Trailhead
Take the 3900 S exit from I-215. Keep left at the fork and go north on Wasatch Blvd. to 3800 S / Mill Creek Canyon Rd. Go east on Mill Creek Canyon Rd. Enter the canyon passing the USFS fee station. The trailhead is about 3/4 mile past the fee station on the north side of the road.
Neff’s Canyon Trailhead
Take the 3900 S exit from I-215. Keep left at the fork and go north on Wasatch Blvd. to 3800 S / Mill Creek Canyon Rd. Go east on Mill Creek Canyon Rd. Turn right onto Parkview Dr. Follow Parkview Dr. to White Way. Turn right on White Way and follow it to the trailhead.
Thousand Oaks Dr. Trailhead
Take the 3900 S exit from I-215. Keep left at the fork and go east on 3900 S. Follow 3900 S as it becomes Jupiter Dr. and turns south. Turn left onto Adonis Dr. and then take the first right onto Thousand Oaks Dr. Park in the circle at the end of the street.
Mount Olympus Trailhead
Take the 4500 S exit from I-215 and go south on Wasatch Blvd. to approximately 5400 S to a prominent rock outcropping on the left side of the road. The trailhead parking lot is at the base of this cliff.
Heughs Canyon Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S, then turn left onto Wasatch Blvd. Take the second right onto Canyon Cove Dr. then the second left onto Oak Canyon Dr. Take the first right onto Berghalde Dr. and park at the end of the street.
Dry Hollow Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. At the light turn left onto Wasatch Blvd. then take the first right onto Gun Club Rd. and follow it to Dry Hollow. Park here about 100 yards before you reach the gun club.
Oak Ridge Picnic Site Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. At the light at the 7-11, turn left onto Big Cottonwood Canyon Rd. Go east up the canyon for approximately one mile. The bridge to the abandoned picnic area is on the right.
Timberline Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. Just south of Big Cottonwood Canyon turn left toward Prospector Dr., then turn right onto Prospector Dr.
Golden Oaks Dr. Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. Just over a mile south of Big Cottonwood Canyon turn left on Kings Hill Dr. then turn left on Golden Oaks Dr. Park at the end of the street.
Aqueduct Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. Go straight through the traffic light onto Little Cottonwood Canyon Rd. Watch for the pullout on the left side of the road just past the top of the hill as the road curves to the east.
Temple Quarry Trailhead
Take the 6200 S exit from I-215. Go east on 6200 S to Wasatch Blvd. Go straight through the traffic light onto Little Cottonwood Canyon Rd. Watch for the electronic sign at the mouth of the canyon, across the street from the park and ride lot. Turn right here onto Highway 209, then take an immediate left into the trailhead parking lot.
Granite Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 295 (9000 S). Turn right onto 9000 S. This street becomes 9400 S. Continue to Wasatch Blvd. About 100 yards past the intersection with Wasatch Blvd., park in the lot on the right side of the road.
Boulders Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 295 (9000 S). Turn right onto 9000 S. This street becomes 9400 S. Continue to Wasatch Blvd. One half mile past the intersection with Wasatch Blvd., turn right on Granite Slope Dr. Park near the water tank and hit the trail at the west end of the road.
Pepperwood Hills Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 295 (9000 S). Turn right onto 9000 S. This street becomes 9400 S. Continue to Wasatch Blvd. Go south on Wasatch Blvd for 0.8 miles. Park on the east side of the road.
Rocky Mouth Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 295 (9000 S). Turn right onto 9000 S. This street becomes 9400 S. Continue to Wasatch Blvd. Go south on Wasatch Blvd for 1.3 miles. Park on the east side of the road.
Hidden Valley Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 295 (9000 S). Turn right onto 9000 S. This street becomes 9400 S. Continue to Wasatch Blvd. Go south on Wasatch Blvd for 1.7 miles to Willow Park, just past an LDS church on the left side of the street. The trail starts at the east end of the parking lot.
Orson Smith Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 291 (12300 S). Go east on 12300 S to 1300 E. Go south on 1300 E for one block and go east at the roundabout onto Pioneer Rd. Follow Pioneer Rd. to 2000 E. Go south on 2000 E for 0.3 miles and park in a pullout on the left side of the road.
Saddler Trailhead
Take I-15 to Exit 291 (12300 S). Go east on 12300 S to 1300 E. Go south on 1300 E for one block and continue south through the roundabout. Turn left at 13200 S and park at the east end of the street in the small lot.
East Bench Trailhead
Equestrian Center Trailhead
Take I-15 to the 12300 S exit. Go east on 12300 S to 1300 E. Go south on 1300 E for one block and go east at the roundabout onto Pioneer Rd. Follow Pioneer Rd. to 2000 E. Go south on 2000 E and it becomes Highland Dr. From the intersection with Pioneer Rd., travel 1.6 miles to the equestrian center. Park in the parking lot and take the trail up the ravine on the east side of Highland Dr.
Carolina Hills Trailhead
Burning Oak Dr. Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east then turn left onto 13800 S. Turn right at 1300 E then right on Highland Dr. Turn left on Rambling Rd. then left on Timothy Rd. Turn right onto Wylie Ln. then right onto Burning Oak Dr. Watch for the trailhead where the road bends to the south.
Coyote Hollow Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd. to Mike Weir Dr. Turn left onto Mike Weir Dr. In 1.2 miles turn right onto Pinon Hill Ln., left at Canyon Vista Ln., right on Gray Fox Dr., and the right into Coyote Hollow Ct.
Red Rock Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd to Mike Weir Dr. Turn left onto Mike Weir Dr. and in 0.4 miles park in the pullout on the right side of the road.
Oak Hollow Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd. to Vintage View Ln. Turn right on Vintage View Ln. and park in the circle at the end of the street.
Steep Mountain Dr. Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd to Steep Mountain Dr. Continue south to just past the intersection with Parowan Way. The trailhead is on the left.
Steep Mountain Park Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd to Steep Mountain Dr. Continue south until the road passes a large park to your right.
Flight Park Trailhead
From I-15 take the Bangerter Highway exit. Take Bangerter Highway east to where it becomes Traverse Ridge Rd. Continue on Traverse Ridge Rd to Steep Mountain Dr. Continue south until the road ends at the flight park. The trail passes at the base of the slope behind the houses.
Intersecting Trails
Grandeur Peak Trail
From the Parley’s Canyon Trailhead walk up the dirt road and take the first right fork. The dirt road heads towards the mountain. To the left (north) is the first ridge from Parleys Canyon. In the gully formed by the first and second ridge south of Parleys Canyon, there is a well-maintained trail leading up the bottom of the gully. This is the best route for climbing the West Ridge. The trail follows the gully and than cuts left to the ridge top and a view of Parleys Canyon. From here the route is a well-used hiker made trail which follows the steep ridge to the summit.
Pipeline Trail/Rattlesnake Gulch Trail
In the early 1990s, the neglected Mill Creek Pipeline Trail was resurrected with the help of the Salt Lake Ranger District, the Utah Mountain Bike Association, and many helping hands. Now, the Pipeline Trail is one of the most popular hiking and biking trails in the Wasatch Range. The path follows an old water flume that dates back many decades. Consequently, the route descends imperceptibly and is ideal for novice bikers who want a taste of real single-track without having to scale entire mountains. Since the trail crosses south-facing slopes that grasp every ray of sunshine throughout the day, it melts out in early spring and is ridable long after the peaks are dusted with autumn’s snow. To top it off, the Pipeline is especially scenic. When you’re not weaving through groves of hardwoods that are nestled in hollows creasing the canyon, you cross sunny slopes that afford grand views of Mill Creek Canyon below and of the mountains that enclose it. If you ride the optional spur to the overlook, you’ll gaze across the entire Salt Lake Valley from the State Capitol to Point of the Mountain. There are many possible ways to ride the Pipeline. Several entrances line the canyon road such as Rattlesnake Gulch, Church Fork, Burch Hollow and Elbow Fork. The most popular way to ride is to drive up the canyon and park at the winter gate. Ride up the road to the Elbow Fork trail-head and enter the Pipeline from there. Ride the whole length of the trail out to the overlook, then come back the other way and descend down Burch Fork where a short ride up the canyon road leads back to the car. The Pipeline Trail can be ridden from spring through the fall, although during times of wet weather the ride will get very muddy and rutted out. Due to the low elevation and long, treeless sections, the ride can be very hot during the summer months. In order to drive up Mill Creek Canyon, a $3 fee is required though it is free to ride a bike up the road.
Neff Canyon Trail
From the Neff’s Canyon Trailhead the trail is a 3.5 mile hike or backcountry ski trail. It begins as an old jeep road and then leads into the Mount Olympus Wilderness Area. The canyon is larger than it may seem and has many smaller drainages. The hiking opportunities are varied, with access to the Desolation Trail in Thayne Canyon. Neff’s Cave, claimed to be one of the deepest caves in the United States, is also accessible by this trail. However, the cave has been closed due to natural hazards and spelunking difficulties. Written permission is necessary to gain access.
“Z” Trail
The “Z” trail is an old mine road that climbs up Mount Olympus in three long grades connected by two switchbacks. The BST would descend the “Z” from the upper terminus to a point at about 5640 feet on the lowest grade below the switchbacks. The trail is accessed from the Thousand Oaks Trailhead.
Mount Olympus Trail
Mount Olympus is a strenuous but rewarding hike. If you have the stamina, the south summit of Mount Olympus brings you 4050 feet above the trailhead, the summit being 9026 feet in elevation. The main attractions are the great views of the valley and the experience of high alpine mountain wilderness. Because much of the trail is south-facing, it is a good hike for dry spells during the winter. The trail departs from the Mount Olympus Trailhead and immediately ascends a steep stair-like section. The big rock out-crop just to the north is a popular climbing spot called Pete’s Rock. The trail climbs to sections of long switchbacks, with magnificent views of Salt Lake City below. The terrain is still steep, with sections of talus slopes and rocky out-crops to negotiate. The trail crosses a creek bed (dry except for early spring snow melt); then climbs steeply through scrub oak and juniper trees to the ridge above. Above the ridge the trail cuts its way through a forest dominated by large Douglas Fir . Scramble to the south summit, where views are stunning in all directions. Leave yourself plenty of time to rest and return down the mountain.
Heughs Canyon Trail
This route starts at the base of Heughs Canyon at the Heughs Canyon Trailhead at about 4980′ and ends at Mt. Olympus summit at 9026’. Heughs Canyon is a steep, narrow and rocky canyon with rugged rocky features on both sides. Interesting hiking and climbing possibilities are endless here. The trail starts left of the stream for the first quarter mile or so then crosses to the right for a short distance and back to the left where it stays for a while. In this lower canyon area the trail is narrow and poison ivy (oak) is everywhere. If you are aware and recognize it you won’t have a problem. You will find the trail travels away form the stream in a few sections and back close again. You will cross the stream to the right and left again before coming to a steep area that takes you to a large rock slide. There is a beautiful waterfall here that is most spectacular in early spring. The area opens up and you have a view of the valley below as well as some of the rocky features of the canyon. This is approximately 1 mile from the start and a little over 1000′ elevation gained. Continue across the rock slide, you should see the trail here but it is faint. The trail stays on the left side most all the way up never straying more than 100′ away. The trail will become very faint and practically nonexistent in places and will require you to look for the easiest route which in most cases will be the trail. The canyon has steep rock walls on the right side and at one point narrows to just a few feet across.
Ferguson Canyon Trail
Accessed by the Timberline Trailhead, Ferguson Canyon can be a challenging hike at some points and has been identified as a desirable activity site by rock climbers, dog walkers, and recreational hikers. Historic restrictions include the closure of the canyon from dusk until dawn and keeping dogs on leash at all times. A common misconception regarding the trail is that it is an “off-leash” dog walking area. Dog owners will hopefully respect others by keeping their dogs on-leash at all times and by picking up their dogs’ waste and disposing of it at the trailhead receptacles.
Little Cottonwood Pipeline Trail
Starting at the Temple Quarry Trailhead the Little Cottonwood Creek Trail is a lower-altitude alpine ride that starts right Temple Quarry Trailhead in Little Cottonwood Canyon. The trail is a fairly wide single-track with some rocky sections. It’s usually open by May and can be ridden until November. (Patches of snow may be encountered in early or late season.) Out-and-back, the trail covers 7 miles. Elevation gain is 1300 feet.
Bell Canyon Trail
Bell Canyon can be accessed from the Granite Trailhead or the Boulders Trailhead. From the parking lot at the Granite Trailhead, the trail makes switchbacks up the hillside through scrub oak. You will come to a ridge that overlooks homes sitting in a ravine. On the far side of the ravine, you can see the trail traversing up to the next ridge. Watch for deer and other wildlife on this easy section of the trail. When you hike to the last ridge, Lower Bells Canyon Reservoir is revealed. At the reservoir, rings appear on the water surface as trout search for a meal. Do a little searching of your own by exploring the trails going around the reservoir and visiting the waterfall up the canyon. Bells Canyon is stunning and so close to home.
Rocky Mouth Canyon Trail
Starting at the Rocky Mouth Trailhead the Rocky Mouth Canyon Trail is signed and easy to follow. The trail leads to a spectacular Waterfall through a short slot canyon. The trail follows a neighborhood sidewalk for 1/4 mile and than a maintained dirt trail for 1/4 mile to the waterfall. The trail to the waterfall is a great family stroll and very easy for all ages. The next part of this adventure is for experienced canyoneers only.
Sawmill Trail
The “Sawmill Trail” is a well maintained trail which leads to the top of Big Willow. This is a very enjoyable trail to hike. You will visit a rock outcropping, followed by a visit to a nice waterfall and cascades and then up to Bells Canyon Reservoir or the summit of Lone Peak if you are tough enough. The trailhead is located at Hidden Valley Park in Sandy, Utah. From the parking lot follow the paved trail 100 yard southeast to a bench and sign pointing the way to the “Bonneville Shoreline Trail”. Follow the sign and 4 wheel drive track as it climbs the mountain 300 yards to a red gate (N40 32′ 22″, W111 48′ 35″). At this point a sign points the way south to continue on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail but to reach the Sawmill Trail you must pass around the red gate and climb the hill for 250 yards. At the top of the hill the road will flatten out and turn sharp to the right. At this point you will notice a trail that leads south into trees; this is the trail (N40 32′ 25″, W111 48′ 26″). If you get to where the water goes under the road through a cement pipe you have gone about 100 yards too far. Continue up the trail as far as you desire. After one mile you will reach an avalanche warning sign (N40 31′ 47″, W111 47′ 55″) and a junction in the trail. The Right (East) Fork leads 150 yards down to a stream with a small waterfall and cascades. The Left (North) Fork climbs over the ridge into Big Willow and climbs to the top of the canyon. For those who are serious hikers this trail provides access to an assortment of adventures including Upper Bells Canyon Reservoir and Lone Peak.
Trail of the Eagle
The “Trail of the Eagle” is a well maintained trail which leads to a rock out-cropping high on the mountain. From the rock out-cropping it is possible to reach the summit of Lone Peak by using an unmaintained trail which reaches into the upper bowl of Little Willow Canyon. The Trailhead is the same as the Bear Canyon Trail. From the Orson Smith Trailhead follow the BST north along the bench for 1 1/2 miles. At first the route is a 4-wheel drive track but after a short distance the track becomes a trail and is signed “Shoreline Trail”. Do not follow the 4-wheel drive track which switchbacks up the ridge. After hiking along the bench for 1 1/2 miles or approximately 40 minutes you will reach the signed junction (N40 31′ 29″, W111 49′ 31″) of Shoreline Trail and Trail of the Eagle. You will know your getting close when you cross Bear Creek using a unique bridge. The signed junction is 200-yards beyond the bridge over Bear Creek. Trail of the Eagle is maintained for approximately one-mile past the junction and climbs to a small rock out-cropping. Hiking to the rock out-cropping makes a very easy and enjoyable afternoon or morning hike. Most family members will enjoy hiking to this destination. From the rock out-cropping an unmaintained trail climbs north into Little Willow Canyon. The trail is hard to follow since it is seldom used.
Bear Canyon Trail
The Bear Canyon Trail is easy to access from the new Orson Smith Trailhead. Simply hike directly east, following the foot path up hill until you reach a signed junction marking Shoreline Trail and Cherry Canyon Trail. This trail has recently been signed “Cherry Canyon” which is strange because the trail only dips into Cherry Canyon for a short distance. The Bear Canyon trail is new and well maintained. The “Bear Canyon Trail” is the best trail on the mountain, it is very well maintained and easy to follow. It is possible to reach the Outlaw Cabin and the summit of Lone Peak by the Bear Canyon Trail which reaches into the upper bowl of Bear Canyon. From the Orson Smith Trailhead go 1.1 miles to the start of the trail. If you reach the bridge crossing Bear Creek you have gone 1/4 mile to far north. The Bear Canyon Trail climbs east up the ridge south of Bear Canyon, dips breifly into Cherry Canyon and drops into Bear Canyon and continues to a year round spring (N40 30″ 58′, W111 47′ 35″). The route next climbs to the Outlaw Cabin (N40 31″ 12′, W111 46′ 53″). From the Outlaw Cabin you can follow the trail which begins behind the cabin to the standard Jacobs Ladder – Draper Ridge route. Hiking this trail to the Outlaw Cabin is a very enjoyable destination hike. Using this trail it will take approximately 3 1/2 hours to reach the Outlaw Cabin and 6 hours to reach the summit.
Aquaduct Trail
Orson Smith Trail Head, dirt road, 2.9 miles moderate.
Jacobs Ladder/Ghost Falls Trail
Currently the easiest way to climb Lone Peak is to use the Jacobs Ladder Trail if the Corner Canyon Road is open. If the gate is closed the Bear Canyon Trail (also known as the Cherry Canyon Logging Trail) offers the best access. Currently the Corner Canyon Road is open during the summer months from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. up to the Ghost Falls Trailhead (2.6 miles above The Gate) Jacobs’s ladder is the shortest and fastest route to the summit; it also has a miserably steep 1 1/2-hour climb from Lone Rock to the Junction. From the Orson Smith Trailhead go 2.6 miles to the start of the trail. The Jacobs Ladder Trail is 5 1/2 miles to Lone Peak with an elevation gain of 5650-feet. The route will take 5 to 6 hours to reach the summit. From the trailhead, follow the three 4-wheel drive tracks on the north side of the road, which feed together in a short distance. Continue to hike the 4-wheel drive track to the top of a steep hill (N40 29′ 46″, W111 48′ 55″) approximately 7 minutes from the trailhead. The route that leads to Jacobs Ladder turns right (east) on top of the steep hill and follows the spur ridge.
Maple Hollow Downhill Trail
The Draper DH trail is officially open for business as of May 30, 2009. A lower portion of the trail is still being worked on for DH-specific stunts. In the meantime, a bypass trail takes you past this bottom section. Because the climbing trail that will take riders uphill is still quite a bit short of the top, you’ll need a shuttle to haul your bike. This trail is for expert riders. You don’t need a DH-specific bike, but you need the skills and brass to take some steep drops and high-G turns. The turns are sloped for aggressive riders. Intermediates will struggle on this trail, because many turns won’t let you “mosey on around” — you’ve got to rail it. Yes, there’s a B-line to skip most jumps. With good skills, you can enjoy swooping down the trail. You don’t have to be a jumper. The trail starts at the Deer Ridge Drive trailhead (at the west end of the mountaintop Suncrest subdivision) where Deer Ridge Drive meets Elk Glen Drive. It plunges 1000 vertical feet in two miles. Most stunts have an A-line for the hardcore and a B-line for the merely skilled. The trail finishes on Traverse Ridge Road, about midway between two spots where the BST crosses the road. (Eastbound, the trail crosses Mike Wier Drive, not Traverse Ridge Road.) Once the climbing trail to the west is finished, there will probably be a designated path along the side of the road. Note: The nearby Oak Hollow trail is NOT part of the downhill route! Oak Hollow is a multi-use trail, and it upsets some trail users when they encounter fast-moving armor-plated riders on Oak Hollow. They complain to Draper City, and it causes trouble for the people who build and maintain the trails. Your shuttled DH ride should end at Traverse Ridge Road.
Clark’s Trail
From the trailhead at Coyote Hollow, you quickly encounter a fork that goes to the northbound Bonneville Shoreline and Silica Pit trail, with connections to Ghost Falls and the Lower Corner Canyon trail. Go right uphill for Clarks. At the next fork, turn left across the bridge. Now begin climbing, first through gambel oak, then through mixed oak and maple. At the top, there’s oak scrub and sage, with views over the Salt Lake Valley.